Some companies run a credit check on prospective employees. If someone has a debt consolidation on their credit history will this be a reason to not get the job? I meet and exceed the job requirements?
Employment with bad credit?
i do not think a persons credit should matter about you as a employee.. but i guess it will depend on the kind of work you are may though cause i got a credit report in the mail the other day and all i am trying to do is get low income housing... i really do not have credit at i do not know what to think of it anyway...hopefully though you will get the job,,, in my opinion you should.. if you exceed there requirements, that should make a good impression right there..
Employment with bad credit?
Debt consolidation will generally not rule you out, but a negative credit score overall will.
Employment with bad credit?
I assume that the credit check is run to see if there are any concerns about how you will handle money. If you apply for a job where a credit check is done, you may want to be upfront about the information that will come up. A debt consolidation at least shows that you are honorably trying to pay off your debts.
Employment with bad credit?
Bad credit hurts you the most if you are going to be working in a bank or some other financial institution or around money in general. If money doesn%26#039;t relate to the job you are applying for, you should be fine.
Employment with bad credit?
getting out of debt is pretty easy with a debt consolidation plan
however it may get a bit tricky at times, I suggest you get as much information as possible online on this first,
a good place to start in my humble opinion is:
a couple of years ago I took an debt consolidation plan, however I made some errors, luckily for you they are all tackled in this article.
good luck
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