if you have access to online banking you can check regularly on your spending on the internet. If you found any suspicious dealing, immediately inform your bank to stop the card, then your bank or credit card company will advise you and thorough invesigation would be made, you may compalain to police with consulation with your credit card company or bank.
If someone uses my credit card would i know or would i have to check?
You would have to check. Use Internet banking it is fast efficient, and easy. Or you can wait till your monthly statement arrives and get a shock of your life. Good Luck Remember do not leave your card laying around or in plain site. Keep it safe in your wallet or locked away. Always keep the Company that issued you that card phone number close by, in case you need to report your card stolen or lost. Good Luck and responsible spending for the New Year.
If someone uses my credit card would i know or would i have to check?
Depending on your relationship with your credit card company. There are some credit card companies that will call the credit card holder if some unusual activity takes place --
(a) amount is large, e.g. $1000 or above
(b) location is different from your usual location where you charge your card (if they show on file you live in Virginia but your card is being charged in Minnesota)
In those instances the card company will not charge the amount and will wait to get in touch wth you first before the charge goes through. If they cannot reach you, then they will not charge the card.
But often, you will have to be the one to check for unusual activities on your card. Review your card statements. Periodically check your account online and see if there%26#039;s any suspicious activities.
If someone uses my credit card would i know or would i have to check?
Use Quicken personal finance software and download your transactions. You will then notice immediately whether any bogus charges are hitting your account.
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